A Science Based Approach to Sequencing
This workshop weekend is for movement educators and the general public. It can also be included as part of a 200 or 300 hour teacher training.
It includes four workshops taught over the course of two days and will include the exercises and sequences from my book Yoga Deconstructed®: Movement science principles for teaching. Participants may sign up for one or all of the workshops. However, it is highly recommended that you attend the first three workshops in preparation for the fourth one.
All four workshops are all levels and qualify for Yoga Alliance CEC’s.
Please note:
Participants are required to purchase my book Yoga Deconstructed®: Movement science principles for teaching to attend these workshops.
The book is sold separately. Cost of the book is NOT included in the workshops.
Recommend pricing for this workshop is as follows:
Recommend pricing for this workshop is as follows:
Single workshop: $65 to $75 for early bird registration, $75 to $90 for late registration depending on location and number of attendees
All 4 workshops: $225 to $260 for early bird registration, $255 to $320 for late registration depending on location and number of attendees.
Please inquire about flat rate pricing and/or a percentage split. Pricing may vary for international workshops.
Suggested number of minimum attendees: 15
Workshop 1: Incorporating Somatics and Rolling Patterns in Classes
3 hour workshop
Somatic exercises serve as regressions for traditional yoga poses and allow us to teach osteokinematics in a way that is embodied and down regulates the nervous system. This workshop will teach you how to select and sequence somatic exercises in supine, side lying, and prone to help your students improve movement patterns and prepare their bodies to navigate external load and asana.
You will learn how to:
- Incorporate somatic exercises into different styles of yoga classes, such as vinyasa and hatha.
- Create mini sequences that include non-linear movement in the transverse plane and rolling patterns that transition from lying down to seated.
- Prepare the body for seated, kneeling, and standing poses.
- Use feedback from the ground to improve proprioception for students who are hypermobile, experience joint discomfort, or struggle to sense where their joints are in space.
- Reduce feelings of stiffness or tightness through neuromuscular re-education.
Workshop 2: Using Primal Sequencing to Evolve Passive Postures into Active Movements
3 hour workshop
Traditional asana involves many passive kneeling and seated positions. While this alone is not an issue, many of our students are not well adapted to sit on the floor and find it difficult or uncomfortable to assume these postures and transition to kneeling or standing. This workshop will give you strategies and mini sequences to incorporate into your classes to improve mobility, strength, and power in a way that is fun and challenging!
Learn how to:
- Use primal movement to reestablish better motor patterns by incorporating exercises that move through the early motor development stages
- Flow together primal postures that relate to classical yoga asanas, including Sukhasana, Virasana, Ardha Matsyendrasana...and more!
- Use mobility drills and preparatory exercises to self assess for joint limitations and prepare the body for loading in end ranges of motion.
- Utilize bands, blankets, and blocks to adapt traditional kneeling and seated poses from passive to active ranges of motion.
- Incorporate animal locomotion movements, such as beast pose and gorilla hops into your classes.
Workshop 3: Applying Progressive Load and Control to Standing Transitions
3 hour workshop
Many standing poses involve holding one position at your end range of motion for a sustained period of time. While this may promote isometric strength at your end range, it doesn’t build strength in the transitions. This workshop will explore how to apply strength training principles, such as progressive overload to standing poses and transitions.
This workshop will teach you:
- How to prepare the body to transition through common vinyasa sequences, such as Warrior 2, Extended Side Angle Pose, and Half Moon with fluidity, stability, and ease.
- Preparatory exercises using resistance bands, cork blocks, and blankets as external load to build strength in standing transitions.
- Strategies to improve control and coordination in single leg balance movements.
Workshop 4: An Interdisciplinary Movement Approach to Yoga Sequencing
3 hour workshop
Are you struggling to connect the dots between yoga and all of the movement modalities that you’re studying? This workshop will teach you how to incorporate everything you’ve learned in the previous three workshops into full length classes. It will also draw on the sequences outlined in my book Yoga Deconstructed®: Movement science principles for teaching.
During this workshop, we will also create sequences as a group and you will have the opportunity to collaborate with other teachers to create and practice teaching your own sequences.
Learn how to:
- Develop your critical thinking skills for sequencing your classes and private sessions.
- Expand your problem solving abilities when creating sequences and planning classes.
- Teach from a skills based approach that prepares your students for asana and real life.
- Incorporate progressions and regressions to meet the different levels of the students in the room.
*Please note, it is highly recommended that you attend the first three workshops in preparation for this one.